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CF@LANTA is supported by Emory University, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, the Georgia Research Alliance, Philanthropic donations, and the CF Foundation, who have made large investments in CF care and research at our Center.
In 2010, Children’s awarded CF@LANTA with a ~$7M five-year grant to establish the Center for CF and Airways Disease Research (CF-AIR), which serves as the basic and translational research component of CF@LANTA; CF-AIR has continued to grow with further support from Children’s each year. Additionally, Georgia Tech has invested further in CF research by establishing the Center for Microbial Dynamics and Infection.
Overall, Emory, Children’s, Georgia Tech, and Georgia State University have committed a total of $43,169,695 toward CF research in the period from 2010 to 2023. Further support of $3.2M for CF research has been obtained from the Georgia Research Alliance (GRA), a public-private partnership that functions to strengthen the state economy largely through investments in university-based faculty. Hence, institutional support for our CF research program has been extensive, totaling over $46M in 13 years.
Our team works together to leverage these institutional commitments, and our unique inter-institutional research strengths, to engage Atlanta researchers in basic and translational research that will lead to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of CF and other airway diseases, to generate ideas for new devices and treatments to increase the length and quality of life for patients. This work is aided by strong integration between our research team and clinical team.
Since the launch of CF-AIR in 2010, we have built on that initial investment by expanding our research team to nearly 100 investigators, receiving funding from the CF Foundation’s RDP Center grant mechanism (active 2015-2019, renewal submitted in 2024), and receiving funding from the NIH’s P30 grant mechanism in 2020. Most recently, in February 2024, the Center was awarded another $3.7M grant to support the continued development of the Georgia CF Data Warehouse, described further below. As a result of these investments and initial team successes, CF@LANTA researchers continue to garner more individual research grants to support their work. Indeed, in 2022, Emory was the fifth-highest recipient of NIH dollars for CF research and has ranked in the top 10 since 2018.
The Georgia CF Core Center grant focuses on non-pulmonary aspects of disease and how these impact pulmonary aspects of disease.
This grant includes three research Cores:
Interested? Check out our REDCap to request services provided by these cores via the button below.
The CF Discovery Core includes the CF Biospecimen Repository, and provides several services including:
The CF Animal Models Core provides murine models relevant to cystic fibrosis researchers. During its history, multiple models have been maintained and provided to researchers at a reasonable cost towards helping to address specific aspects of CF.
Currently the CF Animal Models Core has 3 murine strains available:
Conducting a human-subject research study? The Research Oversight Committee will provide you with access to subject-matter clinical expertise while evaluating the scientific impact and feasibility of your study.
Find more information about awards and grants, research centers, community input in research, national resource centers, and the NACFC.
The Georgia CF Data Warehouse (GACFDW) is a cloud-based high-quality computational infrastructure that supports access to integrated clinical and research data focusing on both pulmonary and non-pulmonary complications of CF. Supported by the NIH and philanthropic funds, the GACFDW is a unique Data Resource that will strengthen CF researchers’ ability to integrate multiple research data streams with patient clinical status, providing new opportunities to understand factors contributing to disease progression and response to therapy.
Learn more about the Emory + Children's partnership of pediatric research innovation.